Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What are you passionate about?

I recently attended a meeting where I was engaged in conversation with a few ladies about their hobbies and what they did for a living. During the multiple conversations someone stated she was in the process of getting her Pharm D. Which is a Doctoral Degree in Pharmacy. She recently stopped going to school. She stated she woke up one morning and said I don't want to do this anymore, this is not what I'm passionate about. My response to her was WOW! What a brave move. She is searching and trying to discover what she is passionate about. One thing she knew for sure it was not Pharmacy. I asked the same question of you, what are you passionate about? Try this three step process. First just ask yourself what do you like to do. Second, ask yourself what do you strongly dislike. Lastly, ask yourself what change do you want to see in the world. Most likely the change you want to see in the world relates to the activity/gesture you strongly dislike.The area you strongly dislike is most likely where your passion lies. For example, if you dislike to hear about starving and homeless children in your community and love to volunteer, your passion may lie in feeding and helping homeless children. You may want to start an organization to help this need. Take time and think about these questions. As I always advise people, someone is waiting for you to fulfill your passion, don't keep them waiting long.

Your thoughts are welcome...


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is your life like a Rollercoaster?

Have you heard the saying "life is like a roller coaster"? Or "hold
on for the ride"? Yes, I agree "life" in general will have its
ups and downs. We all have to deal with something that we do not want to deal with.
However have you ever stopped to think about a Roller coaster it self? 
Here are some things to think about: 
- A roller coaster is off the ground therefore, it never hits rock bottom. The only way to go is up.
-There are more high loops and turns than lower loops and turns. The lower loops drop and only lasts
seconds and the higher loops are slower so you can feel the excitement and anticipation longer. 
-Sometimes the cars let you hang at the top for a while so you can be reminded of the view of where
you are. Keep your mind focused on that view.
-Many people think they are fun and love the excitement of the ride. Simply live life.
-Roller coasters are not long rides, they are temporary and short. Just like problems, they do not last long.
As stated, life will have its ups and downs, it is all in how we look at it and the attitude we choose to take. 
Your thoughts are welcome...
Thank you 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Three P’s of Presentations

  Preparation – Readiness of the subject- 10 hours prep time for 1 hour of presentation time.

  Persuasion – Bringing understanding of your subject matter to your audience. Keep in mind what you are trying to convince/prove.

  Purpose - The “Why”. The adult learner needs to know how the subject matter relates to them. Simon Sinek states “people buy the why”.

Putting it all together:

Preparation persuades the purpose of the presentation.

Keep these P’s in mind when preparing your next presentation and you will have a successful presentation.

Your thoughts are welcome...


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

10 Things wealthy and successful people do.

I read often and I come across many similarities with people who are successful and wealthy. As we  know the definition of success lies within the eyes of the beholder therefore, this is a list we all can learn from and adhere to.
1. They read A LOT. It is recommended to read one hour a day in your field.
2. They proclaim and profess success and wealth before it ever happened. They believe in themselves.
3. They have a daily routine. If they need to deviate from the routine they do not sweat it, they just go with the flow.
4. They know how to have fun and relax. Family time is a must. They understand they are nothing without family.
5. They think often. They schedule time to think. They do not make rash and quick decisions.
6. Work is not "work" to them. They actually enjoy what they are doing.
7. They are prepared and focused.
8. They spend money on memories not too much material stuff. The latest gadget does not phase them. Saving, memories, and investing are more important.
9. They take care of themselves. Exercise and health are important.
10. They serve. Paying it forward is a way of life for them.
After reading this list, where can you start on your path of wealth and success? How can you incorporate any or all of these into your life?

Your thoughts are welcome...  
