Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Win Win
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Dictionary.Com Definition/Victim
Target of an attack, or one harmed by a crime, tort, unfairness, or other wrong.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/victim.html
TruthSpeaks Definition:
To be suited in a place of intentional vulnerability to gain favor
I once had a co-worker who did not like the fact that she was the only person living in her home that was working, meaning she was the only one rising early to get a paycheck each day because her husband had just been laid off. It will be wise to mention that raises had just been passed out at work and she was not too enthused about her percentage. So what does an unhappy person with an unexpected pay raise and sole worker in a home equal? A victim. She became vulnerable and went to management and used her situation to gain favor. This may seem like an isolated incident however, this happens all the time in the work place. The key advice here is do not play the victim role. If there is something you want/need then ask. It is not anyone else’s fault you are in a pickle. Pull up your big person pants and accept reality and look for solutions to your problem. For example, my co- worker, could have gone to management about her raise when it was mentioned and not weeks after she has spoken to others. Another option she could have done was had a one-on-one about her situation when her spouse was laid off. Do you see the difference?
Weekly Action Plan:
Don’t play the victim. If there is an issue address it and move forward.
#Victim #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Dictionary.Com Definition/Understanding
Mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/understanding? s=t
TruthSpeaks Definition:
An awareness and comprehension of what is presently being displayed. Putting forth attention.
Your manager just gave you instructions to complete a task, you respond okay got it and you walk back to your desk confused and lost. Have you ever been in this situation? I know I have. What did you do? Did you try and figure it out and “fake it until you make it” or did you swallow your pride and walk back to your manager’s desk and ask her for more information for a better understanding? The latter is the better solution. The "fake it until you make it” method only works for so long. It is helpful to gain full awareness and comprehension of what you are being asked to do so you can perform the task to the best of your ability. Put it this way, if you don’t understand the task, who are you hurting and what will be the result?
Weekly Action Plan:
How are you going to gain awareness and comprehension in your role this week?
#Understanding #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Dictionary.Com Definition/Time
In contractual arrangements where time for completion of the contract (called time for performance) is not clearly stated, the law imputes a reasonable time. What is 'reasonable' depends on what constitutes acceptable standard of fair dealing under the circumstances while taking currentcommercial practice (custom) in that trade into account. See also time is of the essence.
TruthSpeaks Definition:
An untouchable item of need of that which cannot be managed
Do you ever find yourself needing more time? I am guilty of this in all aspects of my life. The key words here are “my life,”. All I can manage is my life. Even at work I cannot control what happens on any given day therefore, you should not either. You and I can only manage our selves, we can never manage time. Time is a precious commodity that is often wasted in the workplace. Between coffee breaks, lunch, and meetings the average worker may only work 2 hours and 53 min out of an 8-hour work day per Inc.Com. This is INSANE! We have got to do better at managing ourselves versus time. I suggest creating a schedule to follow for the next day/week and sticking to it. This method can keep you on track and help you get some work done.
Weekly Action Plan:
List the steps you are going to take to manage yourself.
#Time #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate