Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Just GO!

Hello Readers, 

As many of you know I read and subscribe to Success Magazine. If you are not a subscriber I highly recommend you subscribe. One way to grow in your career and life is to read about how others do it on a daily basis. There is no “magic potion” to success, you have to earn it. I heard a very interesting phrase on the Success CD, it stated “be your own prince charming.” I agree with Nely Galan as she stated this profound statement. (If you do not know who Nely Galan is, check out http://www.success.com/). The same is true as it is for the “magic potion,” there is no prince charming coming to whisk you off your feet and take you into success land. I believe that some people think that if they just work a 9-5 and do nothing towards their dreams they will just magically appear or maybe the prince charming will come along and give them their hearts desires. Sorry, it does not work that way, if it did everyone would be where they want to be in life. There are a few steps we must take to get to where we want to be. I will just discuss the most important one which is to just make a decision already! This is sometimes the hardest step; this is why I encourage people to just GO! Just do it. Whatever that “it” may be. Do you want to write the book? Start an online business? Do online videos on YouTube? Just GO! You have something you can teach others. Nothing happens unless you start. I had to start coaching to see if I liked it. I had to start writing to see if it was something I really wanted to do. These were in my heart to do and I just made a decision. Here is the big kicker. If you start and decide you do not want to do it anymore, then you can stop, yes it really is that simple. Be your own prince charming. Do not wait for someone or something to give you a big break, just get in motion. Just GO, I promise you something will click for you.

Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Write on a sheet of paper what you would do for free to service . (Remember everything thing we do is for other people)
2. You can read all the books you want but no one will tell you how to define success, you have to define it for yourself. What is success to you? Write it down. (Remember this is your life story, be proud to write it)
3. Get started researching. What can you do in the next 30 days to achieve what you wrote in step #1? This is not rocket science. Just GO!

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