Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The End

We are 6 days (if you count the 26th) away from the new year. We are nearing the end of yet another great year of ups and downs and highs and lows. What did you accomplish? What are you proud of? List out as many great things you did this year. Don’t focus on the negative things (who cares about those). Keep this list close and use it as a measuring guide to what great things you will accomplish next year. Finish this year and prepare to create the next year. I can’t wait to read what you have done.


#TheEnd #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Here is a question you should ask yourself daily: Am I at peace in my career? You should first define what is “peace” for yourself.  As I mentioned, you create your own world, therefore you create your own career. If what you are doing each is driving you insane it may be time to evaluate your peace level. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:


1.     Am I stressed to the point to where I don’t have a life?

2.     Do I cry about going to work (literally cry)?

3.     Do I hate the people I work with?

4.     Do I ask myself why am I doing this job three times a day or more?


These are just a few questions to start you off with evaluating your peace level. Make the changes today because nothing beats having peace in all areas of our lives.


#Peace #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

While You Are Waiting

Are you waiting on a new job, a promotion, a raise, a big break, an approval for a proposal, or your soulmate? Regardless of what you are waiting on, what you do with your time is what matters. It is apparent you have already made the big step to achieve one of your accomplishments, now you are playing (what some people) call the “waiting game.” How are you spending your time? Do not watch the clock. Keep the ball moving. If you are waiting for a proposal, start writing another one, if you are waiting for a job offer, keep applying for others. The point is to keep it moving (my motivational phrase K.I.M.). It helps to always have a “closing the deal” mindset, not a "sit, wait, and worry” mindset. What are you doing while you are waiting?

#Waiting #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Feedback is not personal

Recently, I was given feedback and it didn’t feel very good to hear even though it was delivered professionally. I agreed with the feedback and I am going to adhere to it. I define feedback as opinionated information delivered based on one’s view of another’s performance or actions. Feedback can be positive and constructive but should never be considered negative, because is it geared to aid individuals to become better and propose areas of improvement. Feedback is needed for growth and development not only in life but in your career. I recommend to take feedback seriously but not personally, trust the person who delivers the feedback to have your best interest in mind, and simply act. A rule of thumb is if more than one person delivers the same feedback especially at different times in your life or career, take heed to it and make the necessary changes. Other people see things in us that we can’t see.


#Feedback #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I am in the process of writing my first book and I am currently in the “editing” phase. According to dictionary.com, the word Edit means to “prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.” Let’s say editing is NOT fun. You realize how much you suck at writing (joking). Seriously, editing makes you examine what are you trying to relay to your audience. You truly do find your voice. What do you need to condense, correct, or modify in your life? What do you need to do to bring out your voice? You may not be in the process of writing your first book however, you are in the process of writing your life story which includes your career. Examine where you are in life and career and make the changes you need to make today. It will not be as fun as you may want but it is necessary so you can truly find your voice. 


#Edit #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Live in the Now and Be Grateful

My first blog post nearly 3 years ago was about being thankful for traffic. As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday I reflect on the last couple years of my life and he many changes I have been through. I must say to myself I am grateful. I am grateful for the hardships and the victories. I have learned that everything happens for a reason and we must use those hardships as stepping stones for the next level in our lives. If are thinking you are not where you want to be in your career, that is okay. Simply, stop and think about the present and where you are now. I am learning to live in the now. Be grateful for the job you have now and it is okay to prepare for the next career but, don’t forget to live now.


#Grateful #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, November 14, 2017




I have a question for you: What is important to you? Sounds like a simple question but, I want you to take your time and think about this question. I believe many people are not happy in their careers because they haven’t prioritized what is important in their lives. For example, I recently withdrew my application for a training management position. Why you may ask? I had to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with myself and ask myself was managing a team priority in my life or doing the best at my current job so I can focus on my degree and my business? Sure, the management position can be great for my career and there is more money involved, however, there would have been more stress and less time to focus on my main priorities which are myself and well-being, my degree, and my business. If we make our decisions based on priorities I believe life will flow easier and we will be able to focus on the bigger picture, whatever that may be for each of us. 


#Priorities #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Are you ready?

Are you ready?


One mistake I often notice with my clients is their resume is never up to date hence, why they need me. Here are a few tips to make sure you are ready at the moment opportunity knocks: 1). Update your resume with the position you hold currently. 2). Review your resume every 6 months, is everything current? Anything you need to delete? 3). Make sure to add new skills as I recommend learning a new skill every 6-12 months 4). Add updated education/certifications as you earn them. These are just a few tips to help you stay abreast on your career. Remember you are creating your career every day. Make sure you are ready.


#CareerReadiness #TruthSpeaks #Career #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Have Fun

Have Fun


Happy Halloween for those of you who celebrate this multi-billion dollar holiday. In fact, are you going to participate in your company’s outing or activities for this holiday? I sure hope so. Simply have fun. Let go and eat the candy. Many companies do something in honor of Halloween. In fact, the whole idea of Halloween and Trick or Treating are not one in the same. They were both started with different meanings. That is another blog post. I encourage you to join your department’s fun committee (or start one) and start planning to have fun while you are at work. Come up with ideas to have more fun. At my day job, we created a Halloween carnival for the employees to bring their kids so they can trick or treat. This was a wonderful idea and it fits the culture of our company. Remember the culture of your company, if the culture of your company doesn’t align with your values, you may need to rethink having fun and what it means to you. 


#HaveFun #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

Monday, October 23, 2017

Are you an over-thinker?

Are you an over-thinker?

Albert Einstein loved to think. In fact, he left his wife and child to live in solitude just so he could think on a regular basis. I am not suggesting this is you nor am I saying I do this, however, I know I am an over-thinker. I think about everything, some things longer than others. I analyze and try to gain an understanding of why things are the way they are. Now, you may think, what is wrong with this? In fact, these could be strengths and in fact, they are. I am not condemning myself that I am an over-thinker. I discovered I must examine the topics I am overthinking. For example, I can spend too much time thinking about an area that I have little to no control over and less time thinking on the area I do have control over. Is this you? I believe we all do this. Here is a practice I have developed which has helped me. When I find myself “overthinking” I stop and think about the present. I ask myself what am I doing now and I change my thinking to what is in front of me. In other words, I bring myself back to the center of the moment I am in. Try this for yourself. Don’t get lost is what was or could have been, look at what is.

#Overthinking #Learn #TruthSpeaks #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Taking chances

Taking chances


I was recently faced with a major decision in which I didn’t want to make. Has this ever happened to you? Well, believe it or not, we are constantly making decisions all day long. Some decisions we make are done subconsciously and others we must use our conscious mind to dig deep and think about what we should do. This is where many of those “big” decisions are birthed. Here are two things I like to do when I am faced with making a major decision: 1) Nothing. I like to let it sit and revisit it later time. This allows me to see if the idea will come back to me. One thing I have learned about myself is that sometimes it can take me a little longer than I want to decide, therefore, I have learned to be patient with myself. 2) I write out the pros and cons. This may sound cliché but, it works. Write out what will happen if you make the decision and what will happen if you don’t. From my experience, I have discovered it is best to take the chance and see what happens than to wonder.


#TakeTheChance #TruthSpeaks 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017



Have ever been rejected for a position? I have been turned down a few times in my past career attempts. I believe rejections have made me stronger and encourage me to keep pressing towards what I want to achieve in my career. In my opinion, this is how you create your career. You must get out of your comfort zone and do the things you are afraid of doing. You must understand and accept that you will not get every job you apply for. From what I discovered you will get the job you need to take you to the next level in your career and surprisingly that job may not be the job you think. Always be open to new possibilities. Take the rejection with a grain of salt and Keep It Moving.

#Rejection #TruthSpeaks

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Spend time alone

Spend time alone

Last week I wrote about what it means to have true joy and this week I want to elaborate on how to seek that joy. Here is a great question: Are you spending time alone? I don’t mean being lonely, that is not being the same as being alone. Being alone is sitting on the couch reading a book in an empty house or simply taking a car ride to nowhere to think. So why is this important? Well answer this, how do you get to know someone if you are not spending time with them? Really, there isn’t any other way to get to know someone. So why not let that someone be you. Get to know yourself. As a coach, I have discovered many people don’t really know themselves. Many people are living a life that someone else wants them to live. Is that you? As I mentioned last week, clear your schedule and make time for yourself daily. Your life will change as a result of you spending time with yourself. Ask me how do I know? :)

#TimeAlone #TruthSpeaks

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

True Joy

True Joy


Dictionary.com says the meaning of joy is the “feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Do you have joy on the job? Before we can ask do we have joy in the workplace, we must first ask do we have joy within ourselves. I heard this phrase the other day and it was life-changing, the phrase was “whatever you believe you are 100% correct,”. How true is this for you? What do you believe about yourself? Many issues we have in the workplace stem from some internal belief we have. Take a moment and ask yourself what brings you true joy; spend some time with yourself and take time out of the busy schedule you created to do the things that bring you “true joy.” Make a list of what do you believe about yourself. Here are three things I believe about myself:


1.     I will change the world in my own way

2.     I will get what I want 

3.     I am beautiful inside and out


#TrueJoy #TruthSpeaks

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lessons from the storm

Lessons from the storm


My beautiful home state of Florida just experienced the most massive hurricane in years. I believe the state officials were fully prepared and ready to respond. Here are some lessons I learned from the storm that I wanted to pass along:


1.     Always be prepared. Don’t get prepared when someone prompts you to. 

2.     Use your down time wisely. No cable or internet is a perfect time to bond with family, meditate, and spend time with yourself. 

3.     Stay off Social Media unless you need to get updates. Nothing is going on. 

4.     Be patient with rebuilding and starting over. 


These are just some observations I had and wanted to share. Please feel free to share yours.


#IRMA #LessonsFromIrma #TruthSpeaks

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Take a break

Take a break


Are you constantly on the go? Are you always doing something and you never have time to stop and think? I believe these are questions we must answer more than once in our lives. I know I am not an exception. I am always going and doing something, however, I decided to stop for today. I am going to binge watch a television series, people keep talking about. Now, do I have many other things I could be doing, yes of course. I decided to stop at a certain time today and start watching the series. I will stop and focus on the series on purpose. What can you do to shut your brain off just for today? You and your brain deserve it. Also, look at the best part to this, you just never know where your next idea will come from, so take a break.


#TakeABreak #TeachTrainEducate #Learn

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I just did it

I just did it

As a young girl and a teenager, I would always interview my friends and family. I would use a pen as my microphone and I even had my own theme music (don’t ask, lol). I would ask questions pertaining to the situation at hand at the time. As I got older I knew in my heart that I wanted to one day have my own talk show. Fast forward to 2017, where YouTube will allow anyone to be a star. So, I did it! I launched my mini talk show on YouTube on 8/1/2017, entitled “Creating Your Career with Marla J. Williams.” I did not plan it or think about it. I just did it. Lily Ma from EvanCarmichael.com reached out to me and I asked her to be my first guest and she agreed, therefore, we set it up and we did it. It took me back to when I was that young girl with a dream. It felt natural and real to me. I truly enjoyed it and I have a list of people lined up for me to interview. What is something you just need to do? Stop thinking and just do it.

Subscribe to my talk show on YouTube: https://youtu.be/faUFIqU8pHs


#JustDoIt #TeachTrainEducate #Learn

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Do you really need to be an expert?

Do you really need to be an expert?

I recently watched a video where Simon Sinek (whom I just love), stated that seeking expertise can be a waste of time. I can understand his point. I don’t believe we need to be an expert at all we achieve. I believe we need to remain open to all the possibilities. I believe we need to “try” it all as I state in my new book “52 Career Tips: Action Steps to Move You Forward” coming out before the end of this year. Once we discover that “thing” or “things” we can hone in on those skills until we believe (not anyone else) that we have learned the skill to our satisfaction. I think that is the secret to expertise, learning something to the point of our own satisfaction and then deciding where I want to go next. You are the artist so create your own masterpiece

 #TeachTrainEducate #Learn


Tuesday, August 15, 2017



Dictionary.Com Definition/Zeal

Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

TruthSpeaks Definition:

The known excellence and drive within an individual


I believe to have zeal, one must believe in themselves. Yes, you will certainly have doubts, however, that inner sense of excellence and drive is what keeps you going. It is the inner sense of excellence and drive that your peers and co-workers sense when they work with you. Zeal is what you want to bring to the office and zeal is what you want to follow you when you leave the office. Notice in my definition I mentioned “the known,” you must have a feeling of self-worth and know that you are worthy of whatever you want to pursue. I believe once this is “known” others will be attracted to it and will help you along the way.

Weekly Action Plan:

How can you excel in zeal this week?

 #Zeal #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Be Yourself

Be Yourself


Dictionary.Com Definition/You/Yourself


Your normal or customary self


TruthSpeaks Definition:


Self-expression in a respectful manner defined by your standards




In the workplace are you pretending to be someone else? If so why? Are you trying to appease to someone else’s standards instead of creating and adhering to your own? These are questions you should ask yourself on a weekly if not daily basis. I believe this is the beginning of how people lose themselves within their careers and become “stuck”. Begin by creating your own values and standards. What do you believe in? Contrary to popular belief we are not that much of a different person at work than we are at home. The “home” person can and will show up at work if you are not being true to yourself. As I have mentioned before, being authentic is never going to go out of style. If the values of the organization do not line up with what you believe in, it may be time to look elsewhere. 


Weekly Action Plan:


Who are you? Really?


#You #Yourself #Transparent #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


X-ray - being transparent

Dictionary.Com Definition/Transparent

Negotiation philosophy in which all parties to an agreement or deal stand to realize their fair share (not 100 percent) of the benefits or profit.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/win-win.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:

Willing to be open about your work ethic; vulnerable


I did the research and there aren’t many business words that start with the letter “X,” however, when I think of the word “transparent” I think about being x-rayed. With an x-ray, the doctor can see through the skin to the skeletal system to determine a proper diagnosis. I liken this to being transparent in the workplace. I not suggesting by any means to discuss all of your personal business at work. I am suggesting if you are having a problem with dealing with some aspects of work, I would suggest to speak to your manager about them and be prepared to be transparent about these issues so you can get to the root of the problem. Being transparent is to help you become a better person and strive in the work place.

Weekly Action Plan:

How can you be transparent this week?

#XRay #Transparent #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Win Win

Win Win

Dictionary.Com Definition/Win Win

Negotiation philosophy in which all parties to an agreement or deal stand to realize their fair share (not 100 percent) of the benefits or profit.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/win-win.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:

Everybody wins


When a recruiter is looking for a potential candidate for a position they understand they are not going to find the “perfect” candidate. If they find a candidate that fits 70-80% of the qualifications they are more likely to move forward, this will create a “win win” situation for the recruiter and the potential candidate. Everybody wins. At work, you want to create as many “win win” situations as possible. Always look for ways to solve a problem to make things appeasable for every party involved.

Weekly Action Plan: 

Always look for the “win win” in every situation. Seek out wins this week at work.

#WinWin #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, July 18, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Victim


Target of an attack, or one harmed by a crime, tort, unfairness, or other wrong.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/victim.html


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To be suited in a place of intentional vulnerability to gain favor




I once had a co-worker who did not like the fact that she was the only person living in her home that was working, meaning she was the only one rising early to get a paycheck each day because her husband had just been laid off. It will be wise to mention that raises had just been passed out at work and she was not too enthused about her percentage. So what does an unhappy person with an unexpected pay raise and sole worker in a home equal? A victim. She became vulnerable and went to management and used her situation to gain favor. This may seem like an isolated incident however, this happens all the time in the work place. The key advice here is do not play the victim role. If there is something you want/need then ask. It is not anyone else’s fault you are in a pickle. Pull up your big person pants and accept reality and look for solutions to your problem. For example, my co- worker, could have gone to management about her raise when it was mentioned and not weeks after she has spoken to others. Another option she could have done was had a one-on-one about her situation when her spouse was laid off. Do you see the difference?

Weekly Action Plan:


Don’t play the victim. If there is an issue address it and move forward.


#Victim #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Dictionary.Com Definition/Understanding

Mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/understanding? s=t 

TruthSpeaks Definition:

An awareness and comprehension of what is presently being displayed. Putting forth attention.


Your manager just gave you instructions to complete a task, you respond okay got it and you walk back to your desk confused and lost. Have you ever been in this situation? I know I have. What did you do? Did you try and figure it out and “fake it until you make it” or did you swallow your pride and walk back to your manager’s desk and ask her for more information for a better understanding? The latter is the better solution. The "fake it until you make it” method only works for so long. It is helpful to gain full awareness and comprehension of what you are being asked to do so you can perform the task to the best of your ability. Put it this way, if you don’t understand the task, who are you hurting and what will be the result?

Weekly Action Plan:

How are you going to gain awareness and comprehension in your role this week?

#Understanding #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, July 4, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Time


In contractual arrangements where time for completion of the contract (called time for performance) is not clearly stated, the law imputes a reasonable time. What is 'reasonable' depends on what constitutes acceptable standard of fair dealing under the circumstances while taking currentcommercial practice (custom) in that trade into account. See also time is of the essence.




TruthSpeaks Definition:


An untouchable item of need of that which cannot be managed




Do you ever find yourself needing more time? I am guilty of this in all aspects of my life. The key words here are “my life,”. All I can manage is my life. Even at work I cannot control what happens on any given day therefore, you should not either. You and I can only manage our selves, we can never manage time. Time is a precious commodity that is often wasted in the workplace. Between coffee breaks, lunch, and meetings the average worker may only work 2 hours and 53 min out of an 8-hour work day per Inc.Com. This is INSANE! We have got to do better at managing ourselves versus time. I suggest creating a schedule to follow for the next day/week and sticking to it. This method can keep you on track and help you get some work done.





Weekly Action Plan:


List the steps you are going to take to manage yourself.


#Time #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 27, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Skill


An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills). See also competence.




TruthSpeaks Definition:


The result of intentional action that can be taught to others




If you have read Malcom Gladwell’s book Outliers, you know it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. There are arguments to state differently however, I believe Gladwell was trying to get the world to notice the importance of skills. I have a favorite saying “who you know will get you the job but, who you know will eventually want to know what you know,” meaning your skill set will eventually have to be demonstrated. Skills don’t just happen overnight; it takes intentional practice and effort to get better at anything. I believe people can enhance their skills in less time than 10,000, I am not speaking of mastery. I am speaking of the idea of finding something you are interested in and study it until you understand it fully enough to teach it, to me that is a skill.


Weekly Action Plan:


What skill are you good at that you can teach to others? 


#Skill #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 20, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Read

To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.)


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/read? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To examine with purpose




Yes, I know you have probably heard it before that “reading is essential to life”, or “leaders are readers”, or here is another one, “read everything you can.” Well, all these can be true statements. It IS essential to read for your career. For example, if you are in banking you should read about the banking industry. As you read you should read with a purpose. You should always seek to find new information in your reading. Look for ideas on how to help your company or your team. As a trainer and coach I subscribe to a couple of training and coaching blogs and magazines because I understand the importance on staying abreast on what is going on in my industry. Reading not only helps you to stay abreast on your industry but, it also helps you to expand your vocabulary which can enhance your skills as a speaker in your career. I could go on and on about the benefits of reading so I will stop here for now. 


Weekly Action Plan:


Start small. If you are new to reading or find it boring, start with magazine articles or blogs in your field of interest. Pick one this week and subscribe to it.


#Read #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 13, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Quit


To stop, cease, or discontinue


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/quit? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To give up strategically and with purpose




Have you ever had to quit something? Perhaps a job/career, relationship, or habit? If so how do you quit something when society tells us to keep going and never give up. It depends on your motives and what you are desiring to accomplish. Here are three tips to help you give up strategically and with purpose. 1.) Does “it” the “task” you are contemplating quitting line up with your final objective? Ask yourself will this “task” help me excel on what I want to accomplish. 2.) Is the “task” draining you or affecting your health? Is what you are trying to accomplish adding to your well-being or taking away from it? I following this saying “when something is “killing” you it may be time to reevaluate and leave”. 3.) Do you want to do it? We often confuse our wants with our needs and ignore our wants because our needs take precedence. Our wants are warranted to have and you should not ignore them. Your have a right to want something. Your wants drive your passion and fuel your “why”. Ask yourself do you even want to do this “task”.


Weekly Action Plan:


Apply these three questions to each “task” you are contemplating on quitting this week.


#Quit #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 6, 2017



BusinessDictionary.Com Definition/Prepare 

1. To plan or organize. 

2. To fix or get something ready.


Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/prepare.html


TruthSpeaks Definition:

To act on a future endeavor




The deadline for the report is 3 days away and you have not written the first word. You have collected the information you need and all you need to do is stay late and simply write the report. There is one problem, your son has a baseball game tonight and you can’t work late the rest of the week because it is your turn to volunteer at the Rotary Club. Does this sound like you? There was no action taken to prepare for the future endeavors (the report being due, volunteering, and son’s game). So, how do we prepare when life has called us in 15 different directions? I have one answer and that is to schedule it in. We create our own schedule, meaning you are responsible for the items that are placed on your schedule therefore, schedule the time needed to get the job task completed and not stress yourself out. The stress is not worth it.


Weekly Action Plan:


What project are you working on that has a deadline coming soon? Take time this week to schedule what needs to be done. Use a journal or calendar to schedule your time.


#Prepare #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, May 2, 2017



BusinessDictionary.Com Definition/Opportunity

Exploitable set of circumstances with uncertain outcome, requiring commitment of resources and involving exposure to risk.


Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/opportunity.html


TruthSpeaks Definition:

An option to take a chance which desires choice with an uncertain outcome




In life, everything is an opportunity, the same is for business and the workplace. Our day to day duties are opportunities to have a great, good, or average performance. The choice is yours. Opportunity is about perception. Don’t wait for your manager to create an opportunity for you. It is your duty to create your own opportunities. We will never know the outcome unless we approach the opportunity with a desire to want to change what we see; this is where opportunity lies. See the problem as an opportunity and change your perception. Approach your day with an opportunistic mindset.  


Weekly Action Plan:


How can you see opportunities in your work this week? What can you change for your company this week?


#Opportunity #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Needs Analysis

BusinessDictionary.Com Definition/Needs Analysis

Defined as a formal process focus on how a product addresses the needs of a human

TruthSpeaks Definition:

The research and discovery of the “why” of a thing

Get it done, do it, and now. This is the world we live in. We must do this or do that. Does anyone take the time to think about why? In a business setting, we are always on to the next project or trying to beat a certain deadline that we created. Needs analysis is popular in the training and development field, however, I believe it is important in everyday life. We need to examine or conduct a formal or informal needs analysis of the way we do things. Often we perform a certain way because that is the way it was always done (sound familiar?) It is time to challenge the status quo and discover the why. Once we conduct a needs analysis and reveal the “why” we may discover a new method of handling things and make life easier for yourself and your colleagues.
Weekly Action Plan:
Look at the tasks you have for this week. Conduct a needs analysis. Ask yourself these questions: Do you need to do this task? What is the potential result of this task if it is completed or not completed? Why are you doing this task? Will this task enhance your life/career?  
#NeedsAnalysis #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Meditate

To engage in thought or contemplation

TruthSpeaks Definition:


Taking a mental break from what the future to focus on the present




You have a big meeting you must prepare a presentation for or you are pitching your business idea to investors in a couple of days and you are lacking innovation. Does this sound like a situation you are in or something familiar? I believe we all have felt this type of pressure. Have you considered taking a mental break? Research has shown that the brain is more powerful than we assume and can store much more information than we give it credit to. So why not give your brain a break and concentrate on what is in front of you? Yes, I want you to focus on the present. What are you doing right at this moment, besides reading this blog? How can you zero out the noise around you and meditate on the here and now? For example, media mogul Oprah Winfrey and megastar Bono both have stated they meditate daily for clarity and before projects they must complete, regardless of the size. You may be amazed at the ideas you can consider when you are in the present moment.


Weekly Action Plan:


Download a self-guided app called Calm to help you with breathing exercises to help you meditate. Research more practical tips on meditation.


#Meditate #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Love

A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend

TruthSpeaks Definition:


A connection that cannot be explained




So you may be thinking what does “love” have to do with professional and personal development or even your career for that matter. The type of love I am speaking about is the love for who you are as a human being and what you bring to the work environment. The connection that cannot be explained is the connection that you have with yourself. A love connection within yourself is very important to your career for many reasons. One reason is love for self, brings out confidence. Secondly, love for self, stabilizes your emotions, and thirdly love for self, harnesses self-awareness. Do you have these qualities? These “love” qualities will not only make you a better employee but a better person.


Weekly Action Plan:


Get your love on!  Do you have a connection with yourself that cannot be explained? Take time to think about this and journal your thoughts.


#Love #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Keep It Moving (K.I.M.)

Keep It Moving (K.I.M.)

TruthSpeaks Definition:
Not becoming complacent on life’s journey.
K.I.M. is a phrase I am sure we all say from time to time, especially in traffic or in line at the grocery store. As I coach and consult with clients I would ask them what is keeping you in the place you are in. What is the “it?” The answer I would hear most of the time was fear of the unknown, they would rather remain complacent. I believe we all have an “it.” The “it” can be a comfort zone or lack of skills. A few years ago a co-worker of mine told me to never say no to a leadership position if I was ever offered one. She said to see how far you can go. This advice stuck with me and I have been fortunate enough to be in leadership roles and create the career I wanted. She also followed her own advice and she is a VP for a banking corporation. I did not allow the “it” to take control. I guess you can say I did “it” afraid.  What is your “it?”
Weekly Action Plan:
What is your “it?” Why does “it” exist? Why are you complacent? How can you keep “it” moving? Answer these questions in your journal.
#KIM #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, March 7, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Journaling

To write self-examining or reflective journal entries, especially in school or as part of psychotherapy

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/journal? s=t

TruthSpeaks Definition:


The action of recording thoughts and ideas




I have always been a fan of writing ideas and thoughts in a journal. I understand the value of writing your dreams and goals on paper. There is a connection in the brain when a pen is in your hand and you are recording thoughts. People such as Oprah Winfrey, Jack Canfield, and Steve Harvey keep various journals. Different types of journals are career, grateful, house, travel, and thoughts. Some experts say that journaling is very therapeutic and helps you to relax. I have also heard that journaling for 15-20 minutes a day will help lower or even eliminate anxiety. So how does this pertain to your career? Many people do not know where to start when it comes to their career or job performance. The answer is simple. It starts with writing it down, it starts with journaling. Write down exactly what you want.


Weekly Action Plan:


Purchase a notebook and start journaling this week. Get your thoughts on paper. Do a brain dump weekly, if not daily.


#Journaling #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Invest

To use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something

TruthSpeaks Definition:
Unquestionable dedication to something or someone
Often times we link the word “invest” with a type of financial entity. Even the first two definitions in Dictionary.com refer to money. I am not going to discuss money; I want to discuss what have you invested your time in as it pertains to your career? What was the last book you read? What do you do when you get off of work? Do you work a 9 to 5 and when you come home you don’t spend any time investing in yourself? I once heard the work of a successful person starts at 5pm ends when they go to sleep. This means this person is working a day job but coming home to work on a side job and invest in their future. Here are some tips you can use immediately to invest in yourself. Read a book, any book, it doesn’t matter because reading expands your vocabulary and imagination. Secondly, you can take up a new hobby. Take time to learn something new. Lastly, that weak area that you have ignored, well take a class to enhance it you never know where it may take you.
Weekly Action Plan:
What area(s) in your life will you invest in this week?
#Invest #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Integrity: 
Strict adherence to a moral code

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/integrity.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:
Telling the truth in a simple format
Honesty is not a learned lesson. We are born with the innate ability to tell the truth. Not telling the truth and lying is what we have to work at. Lying for short is something we learned along the way as we grew up. Honesty sometimes gets the bad end of the stick because it seems as if it is very hard to do. Honesty is a value and a trait we all should desire, however, honesty can come with consequences that we are not willing to face so we tell a lie. For example Enron. Do I need to say more? Being honest in the workplace is essential for professional development. As Business Dictionary states, integrity is the moral code. We should all have our own moral code that we follow at all times. Don’t allow compromise into your life at work or at home. Stick with honesty; it really is the best policy.
Weekly Action Plan:
What is your moral code? If you do not have one take the time to create one and stand by it.
#Honesty #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition: 
An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/goal.html
What is a goal? definition and meaning ...
Action plans, or road maps to accomplishing a set goal, are widely varied. They can be used for personal goals as well as career-related ones.
TruthSpeaks Definition:
A desire you want to achieve.
Goals are a big topic especially around the beginning of the year. I have read many books on the topic and they all state the same thing which is to set goals and achieve them. I want to talk briefly about “the why” behind setting a goal. The subconscious mind will do whatever the conscious mind tells it to do. For example, we see a car we like all the time and never saw it before, this is because now the conscious mind has told the subconscious mind to take note, therefore, the subconscious mind says sure ‘thing I will remember that.” What does this example have to do with goals you may ask? Plenty, the mind needs direction and goals are an end result to the direction. Without direction, the mind can wander. The brain is a muscle and has to be utilized. Goals keep us focused on the journey because your conscious and subconscious mind wants to hurry to the destination. If you constantly have something to strive for in life your mind is less likely to wander.
Weekly Action Plan:
What goals have you set for yourself at work or in your business? Is your mind wandering?
#Goals #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Dictionary.Com Definition: 
Without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/excellence? s=t

the definition of excellence
Excellence definition, the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence: his excellence in mathematics. See more.
TruthSpeaks Definition:
The state of feeling fear, but not allowing the fear to stop you and make you feel less than.
Think back to your math days when we had to use the greater and the less than signs, do you remember? When we think of having fear, which we know as false evidence appearing real, we have to understand that fear is made up, it is not real. Fear is less than. It is less than your value, less than your worth, less than your job performance, and less than your desires. Fear is less than whatever you want it to be. For example, you have a job interview and you are nervous as most people are. Fear, the less than feeling comes in and takes over. Here is the solution, start to visualize you are fearless, this means you are without fear. Start to see yourself answering the questions being asked of you. Sure, the nervousness could remain, but you are moving ahead anyway because you realize fear is less than this interview and who wants to deal in the less than theory anyway. We are striving to be more than…  
Weekly Action Plan:
Name one area you are going to be fearless in this week.
#Fearless #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, January 31, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition: 

The fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence
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http://www.dictionary.com/browse/excellence? s=t

TruthSpeaks Definition:

 The personal best a person can attain. The constant knowing there is a better way to achieve things short of perfection.




Are you naturally gifted or talented? If you are great. If not, no need to worry it is not needed to achieve excellence in any area. As John Maxwell says “talent is never enough”. You can dominate any market you want based on your ability to learn. But Marla “I hate to learn,”.  Sorry, my friends, the ONLY way to become excellent in any task is to consistently study and do the task. Here is the kicker, you decide the level of excellence you can achieve. You set the bar. See, excellence, as I defined above, is your personal best and only you can decide what that is. Seeking excellence is pushing yourself to the limit and beyond. It is setting a goal of 100 jumping jacks and doing one more or setting a goal to walk half a mile and you walk a whole mile. I often tell clients to apply the one more rule, which is to apply one more action to the goal they set. This my friends is excellence.


Talent is never enough: discover the choices that will take you beyond your talent / John C. Maxwell.


Weekly Action Plan:


Pick one goal you have been working on and do one extra step. Record your answers in your journal.


#Excellence #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate