Tuesday, November 14, 2017




I have a question for you: What is important to you? Sounds like a simple question but, I want you to take your time and think about this question. I believe many people are not happy in their careers because they haven’t prioritized what is important in their lives. For example, I recently withdrew my application for a training management position. Why you may ask? I had to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with myself and ask myself was managing a team priority in my life or doing the best at my current job so I can focus on my degree and my business? Sure, the management position can be great for my career and there is more money involved, however, there would have been more stress and less time to focus on my main priorities which are myself and well-being, my degree, and my business. If we make our decisions based on priorities I believe life will flow easier and we will be able to focus on the bigger picture, whatever that may be for each of us. 


#Priorities #TruthSpeaks #Learn #TeachTrainEducate

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