Tuesday, January 24, 2017



Business Dictionary Definition:
The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/development.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:

Attained and consistent knowledge used to enhance the current state of a person or situation.


We have all heard the saying “Knowledge is power”. I have also heard “knowledge is nothing without application”. I agree with these sayings to a certain extent. Knowledge has to be used to develop; therefore it has to be applied in order for the process of development to manifest itself in your life. So the magical question is how does one develop? What do they do? What does a person really need to grow in their career? Well let’s dismantle what it takes to grow; the answer to this is… nothing, because you are going to grow regardless. Development is what we must seek in order to enhance our lives.  I have a three step method I use with clients for development. A.R.D. Access, Research, and Do. 1. Assess, where you are in life. Are you happy with your current career? Make a list of what you want to do 2. Once your list is made, now it is time to Research. I recommend reading books and asking people out for coffee who are already where you want to go. Bring a journal and take detailed notes. 3. Now it is time to Do. Develop an action plan of what you wrote in your journal and watch your career and life transform. 

Weekly Action Plan:

Apply the A.R.D Method.  Journal your thoughts. I would love to hear your results. Email me at contact@truthspeakscoaching.com

#Development #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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