Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Are you a Giraffe or a Turtle?

 Hello My Faithful Readers,

I recently heard this passage from Bishop T.D. Jake's in which I added my opinions as well. This passage makes perfect sense and can be applied to all people. I know which one I am. Read on to see which one represents you...

Giraffes and turtles occupy the same ground as any other animal. In our everyday lives we will associate with  giraffes and turtles. Turtles view the world from their ground level (notice I mentioned "ground") and giraffes view the world from their level (stop and think about where that is). Now that you have a perspective on the different views, stop and ask yourself who do you allow to comment on what's going on in your life? Turtles are between the giraffes legs looking up to say something about their life. Giraffes don't look down comment to the turtle because they don't have time to neither do they want to. Giraffes eat from the top of the trees because they can, they could, if they wanted to, bend down from time to time and eat the grass; however most of the time giraffes are eating from the top of the trees.Turtles eat from the grass because they have to, they have no other choice. Are you a giraffe or a turtle?

This is not to discourage you from getting advice or counsel from other people, this is simply a message to take heed to what you allow into your ears. Always take stock and look at the fruit in someones life before you allow them to speak into yours.Don't judge just look at the fruit and make a decision.

Your thoughts are welcome...



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