Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10 Reasons You Need Goals in Life

Hello Everyone!

I am a very goal-driven person. I set goals for myself, achieve them, and then set more. Why you may ask? Because I believe there is more. I believe everyone can reach for the sky and live out their wildest dreams. The sad truth is most people do not even lift their arm to reach for the sky, they are waiting on someone else to lift their arm for them and that is simply NOT going to happen. Goals provide you the roadmap to success and the best part is you design the roadmap and you define your success. It is all up to YOU! Below is my list of why people need to set goals for themselves.

1. Goals provide you with direction.
2. Goals are your pathways to success and getting what you want in life.
3. Goals are plans. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
4. Goals are easy to set. Just start writing what you want.
5. Goals keep you determined and motivated.
6. Goals keep you focused and driven.
7. Goals can be changed at any time. NO need to overwhelm yourself.
8. Goals are plural. You can have many at one time and accomplish them all.
9. Goals are never ending. Just keep setting more!
10. Goals allow you to K.I.M. Keep It Moving®

Your thoughts are welcome…



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