Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What do you believe?

I recently read an article which stated some interesting facts about Warren Buffet. I found it interesting that he said that he knew he would always be rich and wealthy. People told him he would not but he never believed them for a second. So I ask you, what do you believe? James Allen said it best “As a man thinketh so is he”. What are you thinking? Are you going to be wealthy, rich, successful, healthy, spiritually whole, and happy? Or are you those things now? Here is some advice, start saying and writing what you want. Read and repeat it every day. Affirmations really do work. Affirmations tell your subconscious mind to store this information in expectations that it will happen. So start believing for what you want and start saying you have it! Your brain will look for it and the Law of Attraction will take place. It all starts with our believing.

Your thoughts are welcome…



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