Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do you have 30 minutes?

Hello Readers!
30 minutes. Hmmm, that does not seem like a lot of time now does it? Well, of course not. 30 minutes can be broken down in many ways: two 15 minute breaks or three 10 minute breaks, I think you get the picture. Here is the kicker. Can you find 30 minutes to set aside each day to better yourself? What about 30 minutes each day to expand your vocabulary? Or explore new areas of interests. If you said sure I can find 30 minutes to better myself then you just agreed you can read for 30 minutes a day in your field. I recently heard a message about working the area (land) we are currently in. An easy way to start is by studying and reading to become better in the areas you are already active in. For example, let’s say you want to be a better parent, then you should read on parenting, or you want to become a better cook, then you should read some cooking blogs, get it? We all want to move ahead and conquer all we can but, we cannot if we do not master where we are currently. I encourage you to start reading and studying 30 minutes a day today. It just may change your life. 

Your thoughts are welcome…



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