Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What an employee is NOT!

Hello Readers,

I have been in multiple leadership and supervisory roles and the treatment I have seen to employees from  management is sometimes outrageous. If a person is a great producer this does NOT mean they will be a great manager. The key to managing is PEOPLE. One has to like people; it has to start with PEOPLE. Here are some tips for first time managers and what not do:

1. Employees are not dumping grounds. Please keep personal and business affairs separate. Believe me you WILL get burned. Why? See number 2.

2. Because your employees are not your best buds. They are humans who have lives of their own and want to be appreciated and valued and not picked over because the manager is friends with some and not all of the team. Even if a manager has a favorite, it is not wise to show favoritism.

3. Employees are human, therefore treat them as such. They are not machines, they do not power down and power up when the management says to.

4. As a manager you are to be aware when coaching is needed for your team. The employee needs to witness trust from a manger before they can actually trust a manager.

5. Employees are not a manager’s partner in crime. I do not think I need to explain that one any further.

Yes, I have seen all of these take place and it was not pretty. For management/leadership tips read any John Maxwell or Peter Drucker book.

Your thoughts are welcome…



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