Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Do you have the Goal Setting Syndrome?

Hello Readers,

I have been reading multiple books on developing a five year plan. People such as Terri Savelle Foy and Brian Tracy are known in the areas of goal setting and living on purpose. Both of them teach on developing a five year plan. The question I have for you is the same question I had for myself, what is your 5 year plan? And to take it further are you building/adding on to the 5 year plan each year? Let’s be transparent, once you get to the 5 years, let’s say 2021, you should have another 5 year plan already in action. This is where I believe people get stuck. They develop a goal, achieve it, and then they are lost; they have not developed a 5 year plan each year. I call this the "goal setting syndrome." Here are 4 tips to help you to avoid the “goal setting syndrome”.

1. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals. See our free resource on our website under the resource tab.
2. Set a 5 year plan every year. As each year passes one year drops off and another year is added.
3. Constantly review your goals. Keep them before you at all times. If you need to make adjustments do so.
4. Be intentional, just because the goal is written, this does not mean it will happen. Ask yourself these two questions 1. What am I doing to ensure the goal happens? 2. What am I doing to ensure I am not becoming complacent? Keep It Moving (K.I.M.)

The "goal setting syndrome" can be avoided if these easy to follow tips are adhered to.

Your thoughts are welcome…



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