Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Spread Love

Hello Readers,

In lieu of the senseless shootings in Orlando this past Sunday, I wanted to speak to you on the topic of love. I took some time to think about some words that remind me of what love really means to me and here is my list: Unselfishness, kind, caring, looking past flaws, imperfection, not boastful, happiness, joy, peaceful, and excitement. All these words/phrases have to do with removing yourself from the scope of a situation and thinking about others. This my readers is what life is all about, others. How can we as the HUMAN race move forward if we are not looking past others flaws? How can you put into practice these words? How can you show love? Sexual orientation and past life mistakes, do these things really matter if a person is trying to move forward? We must give people a chance and love them through the hate and the crime, yes even the accuser.  Here are some examples of what I do to spread love:

1. I try to speak to everyone I see.
2. I ask people how their day is going, especially in the drive thru.
3. I purposely compliment people each day.
4. I ask about their family and friends.
5. I am genuinely happy for their life achievements

What are your examples of how you spread love?



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