Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Happiness is creating memories

Hello Readers,

As I sit here at the dealership waiting on my car to get serviced, I am thinking back on my week. Here is a quick glimpse: I received two birthday surprises, one at work and the other by my husband and close friends, I dressed up as a well-known celebrity for a trivia game, I watched my son take his first set of senior pictures, I participated in a youth lock in which had a special twist, I ministered to grateful men in prison, and that is just the big stuff. I do not mention all these to brag, I mention these to say yes even though I had a very busy week it is these types of activities I mentioned that bring me true happiness. Sure I like to shop and have materialistic things, but creating memories brings me the best feeling. The events that happened this week all brought me a sense of joy and happiness and I could not have asked for them to be any different. Being tired is only a small piece of how I feel. The total sum of how I feel is… simply full.

How are you creating memories?

Your thoughts are welcome...



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