Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Five good things

Hello Readers,

Here we are in the month of September. The year is almost over and we are three months away from Christmas. This year has flown by. But in reality don't we say that every year? Don't we say “wow this year has really gone by fast”? With the year going by so fast very seldom do we stop and smell the roses. Have you taken the time to stop and think about five good things that happened to you this year? Five may seem like a small number and I hope that more than five good things have happened to you this year. I'm going to open my world to you and share my five good things. These five things are just a small sample of the great things that happened to me this year. I have way more than five. So here they are:
1. Graduated with my Masters Degree in Adult Education from Strayer University!
2. Received great feedback about my blog and how it is helping people!
3. Got surprise birthday party! Never had one as an adult.
4. Won an iPad Air!
5. I am doing more of what I love which is training and development on various platforms!

 What are your five things? Please share
Your thoughts are welcome...

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