Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 reasons to say No

I believe we sometimes get caught up in the "people pleasing" zone of life. While it is ok to want to ensure a smile on everyone's face you meet, sometimes you are going to have to say no and it is actually a freeing experience.

Here are 5 reasons why:

1. You are too tired and you know you will not be able to put your 100% into the request. Do not give people half of you, just say no when you know you cannot give your all.

2. You simply do not have the time to commit. I believe we make time for what we want, therefore choose your time wisely. We all have 24 hours. Time cannot be managed it will move regardless.

3. An area in your life is being neglected. Remember you have to take care of you too. On airplanes you secure yourself then the child.

4. You have simply lost interest. If the book is boring, put it down. If you do not like the restaurant, stop going. Just tell yourself you will stop. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Why force yourself?

5. Peace. Saying no and loving yourself brings peace. Nothing can surpass having peace.

Your thoughts are welcome…


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