Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Invest

To use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something

TruthSpeaks Definition:
Unquestionable dedication to something or someone
Often times we link the word “invest” with a type of financial entity. Even the first two definitions in Dictionary.com refer to money. I am not going to discuss money; I want to discuss what have you invested your time in as it pertains to your career? What was the last book you read? What do you do when you get off of work? Do you work a 9 to 5 and when you come home you don’t spend any time investing in yourself? I once heard the work of a successful person starts at 5pm ends when they go to sleep. This means this person is working a day job but coming home to work on a side job and invest in their future. Here are some tips you can use immediately to invest in yourself. Read a book, any book, it doesn’t matter because reading expands your vocabulary and imagination. Secondly, you can take up a new hobby. Take time to learn something new. Lastly, that weak area that you have ignored, well take a class to enhance it you never know where it may take you.
Weekly Action Plan:
What area(s) in your life will you invest in this week?
#Invest #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition/Integrity: 
Strict adherence to a moral code

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/integrity.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:
Telling the truth in a simple format
Honesty is not a learned lesson. We are born with the innate ability to tell the truth. Not telling the truth and lying is what we have to work at. Lying for short is something we learned along the way as we grew up. Honesty sometimes gets the bad end of the stick because it seems as if it is very hard to do. Honesty is a value and a trait we all should desire, however, honesty can come with consequences that we are not willing to face so we tell a lie. For example Enron. Do I need to say more? Being honest in the workplace is essential for professional development. As Business Dictionary states, integrity is the moral code. We should all have our own moral code that we follow at all times. Don’t allow compromise into your life at work or at home. Stick with honesty; it really is the best policy.
Weekly Action Plan:
What is your moral code? If you do not have one take the time to create one and stand by it.
#Honesty #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Dictionary.Com Definition: 
An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/goal.html
What is a goal? definition and meaning ...
Action plans, or road maps to accomplishing a set goal, are widely varied. They can be used for personal goals as well as career-related ones.
TruthSpeaks Definition:
A desire you want to achieve.
Goals are a big topic especially around the beginning of the year. I have read many books on the topic and they all state the same thing which is to set goals and achieve them. I want to talk briefly about “the why” behind setting a goal. The subconscious mind will do whatever the conscious mind tells it to do. For example, we see a car we like all the time and never saw it before, this is because now the conscious mind has told the subconscious mind to take note, therefore, the subconscious mind says sure ‘thing I will remember that.” What does this example have to do with goals you may ask? Plenty, the mind needs direction and goals are an end result to the direction. Without direction, the mind can wander. The brain is a muscle and has to be utilized. Goals keep us focused on the journey because your conscious and subconscious mind wants to hurry to the destination. If you constantly have something to strive for in life your mind is less likely to wander.
Weekly Action Plan:
What goals have you set for yourself at work or in your business? Is your mind wandering?
#Goals #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Dictionary.Com Definition: 
Without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/excellence? s=t

the definition of excellence
Excellence definition, the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence: his excellence in mathematics. See more.
TruthSpeaks Definition:
The state of feeling fear, but not allowing the fear to stop you and make you feel less than.
Think back to your math days when we had to use the greater and the less than signs, do you remember? When we think of having fear, which we know as false evidence appearing real, we have to understand that fear is made up, it is not real. Fear is less than. It is less than your value, less than your worth, less than your job performance, and less than your desires. Fear is less than whatever you want it to be. For example, you have a job interview and you are nervous as most people are. Fear, the less than feeling comes in and takes over. Here is the solution, start to visualize you are fearless, this means you are without fear. Start to see yourself answering the questions being asked of you. Sure, the nervousness could remain, but you are moving ahead anyway because you realize fear is less than this interview and who wants to deal in the less than theory anyway. We are striving to be more than…  
Weekly Action Plan:
Name one area you are going to be fearless in this week.
#Fearless #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate