Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Work Smarter not Harder

Hello Readers!

Have you ever heard this phrase? I am sure you have. But, really what does this phrase mean? As you know I am known for providing simplistic life skill methods in which can be applied instantly, therefore my definition of working smarter is this: finding the simplest yet logical method of solving a problem or completing a task. Okay, was that too much? Ask yourself these questions: Are you scared to try anything new? Are you stuck in the routine of doing things when there could be a better method? Have you researched a better method to achieve your daily tasks? Depending on your answers you are possibly working too hard. Here is what I suggest: Research! There is nothing new under the sun. What you are wanting to accomplish, someone has already done it, therefore GOOGLE and read. Next you need to apply. Take the knowledge you learned and develop a simpler method of handling your task. Guess what, you are now being the magic word of “Innovative”! Do not get caught in the “rut” of busy work, it is unfulfilled and useless. Schedule your time and use it wisely, trust me you will thank yourself later. And this is how you work SMARTER!

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What is hard work?

Hello Readers!

I often hear the phrase "it takes hard work to achieve success", keeping in mind that I create the definition of success to fit my needs. However, I wanted to define the word "hard" for myself. I wanted to know what exactly did people mean by "hard" and is it really applicable. An online definition states "requiring a great deal of endurance or effort" similar words mentioned were difficult, taxing, tiring, laboring, challenging, and pushing just to name a few. Next, I thought about my goals and things I want to accomplish in my life and I asked myself these questions such as: is becoming an author going to be taxing? Is earning a doctoral degree going to be difficult? Well... The answer is yes!!! See, I understand that nothing just drops on my lap. We have to go after what we want and desire and we ask will that be hard (taxing, difficult, and challenging)? Yes it will, but it is up to you. So are you working hard or hardly working? Not to be confused with working smarter. And yes there is a difference. We will discuss next week.

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do you have 30 minutes?

Hello Readers!
30 minutes. Hmmm, that does not seem like a lot of time now does it? Well, of course not. 30 minutes can be broken down in many ways: two 15 minute breaks or three 10 minute breaks, I think you get the picture. Here is the kicker. Can you find 30 minutes to set aside each day to better yourself? What about 30 minutes each day to expand your vocabulary? Or explore new areas of interests. If you said sure I can find 30 minutes to better myself then you just agreed you can read for 30 minutes a day in your field. I recently heard a message about working the area (land) we are currently in. An easy way to start is by studying and reading to become better in the areas you are already active in. For example, let’s say you want to be a better parent, then you should read on parenting, or you want to become a better cook, then you should read some cooking blogs, get it? We all want to move ahead and conquer all we can but, we cannot if we do not master where we are currently. I encourage you to start reading and studying 30 minutes a day today. It just may change your life. 

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Sooo, in reference to last night’s Super Bowl. Yes it was a good game and yes it left many of us with our mouths on the floor. However, people will not only remember the bad call but, they will remember the response. The response one gives is what carries the character and integrity of the person. People will more than likely forget what initiated the rumble on field but, they will not forget the rumble. We all have areas of growth and we all get our feathers ruffled from time to time. Here is what I have learned: walk away or simply do not respond. It is amazing the amount of peace that comes over you when you ignore something that is not worthy of your time. Remember if the situation will not bring positive impact to your life, then the situation may not be worthy of a response. Think about it.

Your thoughts are welcome…

