Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What is Success really?

Hello Readers!

Success, Success, Success! I hear this word almost every day. I am sure you can agree with the same. So many people look to wealth and fame for the actual definition of success. What is success? Really? I think I have an answer… Success is in the eye of the beholder. Success is what you are willing to accept and what you are willing to take action on. For example, if I come home to a clean home with no dishes and extra duties which need to be fulfilled, I feel pretty darn successful. If I complete one chapter in my book I am writing or reading, I will feel successful. Success should not be about the task at hand. Success should be how you feel about what you have accomplished. In a nutshell, in my book there is NO concrete definition to success. Success is what you make it out to be. I will share one secret with you. Ready? All that talk about having money and fame for success, it is nice to have those, but are you healthy? Do you have friends? Do you makes others smile? These all lead to a successful life. The secret is if you are not living on purpose, your success (whatever it may be) is just sitting there staring at you and waiting.

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What an employee is NOT!

Hello Readers,

I have been in multiple leadership and supervisory roles and the treatment I have seen to employees from  management is sometimes outrageous. If a person is a great producer this does NOT mean they will be a great manager. The key to managing is PEOPLE. One has to like people; it has to start with PEOPLE. Here are some tips for first time managers and what not do:

1. Employees are not dumping grounds. Please keep personal and business affairs separate. Believe me you WILL get burned. Why? See number 2.

2. Because your employees are not your best buds. They are humans who have lives of their own and want to be appreciated and valued and not picked over because the manager is friends with some and not all of the team. Even if a manager has a favorite, it is not wise to show favoritism.

3. Employees are human, therefore treat them as such. They are not machines, they do not power down and power up when the management says to.

4. As a manager you are to be aware when coaching is needed for your team. The employee needs to witness trust from a manger before they can actually trust a manager.

5. Employees are not a manager’s partner in crime. I do not think I need to explain that one any further.

Yes, I have seen all of these take place and it was not pretty. For management/leadership tips read any John Maxwell or Peter Drucker book.

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Problem Solvers

Hello Readers,

Have you ever heard these phrases? 

1. Some get it some don’t.
2. People are lucky.
3. They got the promotion but I did not.

I think you get the picture. All of these phrases and many others like them have one common denominator and that is YOU. As adults we CANNOT blame anyone for where we are in life. We are where we are because of the decisions we have made. We all get the same 24 hours in a day as Will Smith, The President, and Madonna just to name a few. Life is a choice. Yes I know things may not be the way we want them, but think about it, are we as adults ever satisfied? We achieve one goal and then we are off to achieve another goal. Why? Because we are problem solvers; we all have a unique ability to solve problems and help others. So please stop wasting time and blaming others. Use your talents and help others. Get out in the world and get busy. Stop waiting on the right time. Plan, Live, and Go. Remember someone is waiting on you to solve their problem, so do not keep them waiting.

Your thoughts are welcome…



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Goal for TODAY!

Hello Readers!

Here is a thought for you this day. What is your goal for today? In the goal setting class I developed entitled Goal Busters, I teach people how to break down their goals into simplistic easy steps. Success does not come in chunks, success is simply doing small tasks each day that reap results for the bigger ending (hence the goal). Yes, baby steps are what it takes. Let’s say you want to become an author, I would not recommend starting off by writing 5 pages a day. I would suggest starting off by writing 15 minutes a day and reading for 15 minutes on different writing styles, a total of 30 minutes. As time progresses the amount of time you spend writing should gradually increase. So I ask you again, what is your goal for TODAY? Yes this day! What are you going to do about what you want? See, the beautiful thing about this life we live is we are given free will to create what we want. As Steve Jobs said” do not waste your life living someone else’s”. Get busy on that one goal NOW! Small steps reap big rewards. I am rooting for you.

Your thoughts are welcome...

