Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Hello Readers,
Here is why we blog:
Life empowerment
Personal growth
Personal development
Career advancement
Sharing of information
Knowledge based
***Simply because we want to see others advance in life***

We are Explaining Through Training
We Teach Train Educate
We K.I.M.
Find, search, look, seek, and discover the purpose of why you do what you do. If it is to get rich you may need to reevaluate your purpose. We are all on earth to aid in the betterment of someone else and as I have said before miraculously it is through our service to others we are developed and become beyond rich. 

Think about why you do what you do today.

Your thoughts are welcome...



Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Hello Readers,
These are things we should make time for in our lives:
To think
To meditate
To read
To pray
To have fun
To relax
To vacate
To do nothing
To study
To learn
To serve
To observe
To be silent
To exercise
For others
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How are you spending not managing your time? You cannot manage something that will move regardless of what you do. However, how you spend your time today will ultimately determine how you spend your tomorrow. Spend wisely.
Your thoughts are welcome...



Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Another goal accomplished!

Hello Readers,
Yes I have accomplished another goal! I have completed my first of many 5k races. I say this not to brag or boast but to encourage. I want to motivate readers all over the world that yes you can achieve what you want to achieve. I am a firm believer in this. Yes of course I was nervous and worried about coming in last, but the in the end all I cared about was finishing. So here is the key message, stop worrying about starting, just start! Get in motion. I put one foot in front of the other and before I knew it I was done! Some of the best advice I have ever received was get in motion and stay in motion. You will eventually finish the race and the great part about finishing one race is you can start another one. What is it you need to start? Write it down and get to it! Start and before you know it you will be done. Remember it is your life to live, so live it!
Your thoughts are welcome...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Hello Readers,

Do you want to grow in your life professionally and personally? Do you want to advance in your life and career? If you answered yes to these questions then you will need to learn to accept feedback. I define feedback as the opinion of a trusted person, preferably in your circle of friends or within your work/career realm. Feedback normally comes in two forms, positive and negative. We love it when we receive the positive; however it is the negative that we need to understand. When was the last time you received negative feedback? How did it make you feel? The key is to not take it personally. Do the next best thing with the feedback, follow it and move forward. Take the necessary steps needed to grow and not stay the same. Feedback is needed for growth, therefore you need it rather you want it or not. Take it and grow.
Your thoughts are welcome...