Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My new friend

Hello Readers,

I just came back from the Association for Talent Development International Conference and Exposition better known as ATD ICE. This year this annual event was held in beautiful Denver, Colorado at the convention center. The conference hosted over ten thousand people from all over the world. I had the great opportunity to meet people from the Netherlands, Brazil, China, Japan, and Canada. I made lasting connections with a few people from here in the states as well. One relationship I wanted to share with you is with my new found friend from Tokyo, Ami. Ami sat next to me in one of the sessions we attended. The funny thing about us meeting was I asked her for some lotion and she gave me some oil to use (that smelled great by the way). We were friends from that point on. The great thing about this story was Ami was so happy to be at the conference and meet people from the United States. She shared with me that her English was not good but she is working on it, so I found myself translating for her to assist her with speaking to other people (like I know Japanese). She said that she was so happy we met and she wanted to keep in touch and I obliged. I am happy to say I have a friend now in Tokyo, Japan. Through meeting Ami I have opened my mindset more to the beautiful world that is out there and the people that occupy it and that my reader is a wonderful thing. 

Here is picture of Ami and I:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Panel Interviews

Hello Readers,

Today I want to talk to you about panel interviews. Majority if not all career sectors will offer a panel interview during the interviewing process. So, what is a Panel Interview anyway? Panel Interviews are when two or more individuals from the same or different departments of the organization will meet with the interviewee simultaneously and play tag team interviewing as they ask a series of predetermined questions. Also known as group or peer interviews. The type of questions asked are normally behavioral questions (questions about how you handle a certain type of situation), therefore you must be prepared.

Methods to prepare for a panel interview:

1. Conduct a google search for behavioral interview questions and practice them with family and friends.
2. Focus and breathe.
3. Use eye contact and smile when talking.
4. Take one question at a time and one person at a time. The interviewers will try to double team you at times.
5. Search out the key decision maker (yes there will be one) focus on them, they may be the last one to enter the room due to a busy schedule. Sometimes this person is last to enter the room on purpose.
6. When they ask you do you have any questions, make sure you do! You should prepare questions for the interviewers, this proves you have done your research and you want to ensure they are a good fit for you as well.

Your thoughts are welcome…


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Imagine this

Hello Readers,

I had the privilege to be honored with the Outstanding Alumni Award from my alma mater Strayer University this past weekend. I spoke to over 3k people which included 1k graduates and it was a great and humbling experience. I spoke to the graduates about imagining their future. I wanted to share with you some of my speech. I hope it encourages you as I was encouraged to write it.

Imagine these three things:

1. Imagine surrounding yourself with allies. You will never rise higher than the sum total of the 5 people you hang around. You have crossed into a new realm, and some people will not be able to handle all the greatness you are about to birth into the world.

2. Imagine what you want and place it on a vision board or in a vision book. Look at them daily. The brain thinks in pictures. For example, if I tell you to think about a black car you picture a black car right? You did not picture the letters BLACK CAR right. It is amazing how the brain works, studies have proven that if you constantly put images of what you want in front of you, your brain will automatically go to work at trying to attract the images you have set before it. Therefore, ask yourself what are you putting before your eyes? We will become what we think about the most. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

3. Imagine doing what your heart desires! If you say you can then you will, if you say you can’t then you won’t. It really is that simple.

I hope you enjoyed a snippet of the speech. It will be available on our YouTube Channel later this week 

Your Thoughts are welcome

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Hello Readers,

It is May and as the old saying goes “this year is flying by quickly." A question I would like for you to ponder on is "Have been stretched this year?" According to Dictionary.com the definition of stretch is “to draw out or extend to the full length or extent." Wow! What a powerful definition. Have you extended yourself to your full extent? If so great, keep going, if not why? I have had to stretch quite a bit this year. I starting doing Periscope career tip videos weekly, I am speaking almost every weekend for various events and meetings, and my coaching clientele has picked up. I am grateful for these additions and all are great  for my career, which I am very passionate about. However, all of these additions have required me to step out of my comfort zone. These additions have required me to stretch myself. I believe 2016 is the year to get uncomfortable; it is time to take yourself to new heights. A quote I love is “success is one step outside of your comfort zone." Once you have been stretched you can never go back. Once you have seen what you can accomplish you will want more. It is a great feeling.

Have you been stretching? 

Your thoughts are welcome...

Thank You



Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Hello Readers,

I have written about this topic many times and I will never write enough about having great experiences. I am on the plane flying back from a cycling event that empowers wounded warriors to engage with each other and build long lasting relationships. During the first day of arrival the warriors are very isolated, yet excited to be a part of something. Many of the Warriors were not speaking to each other however, if one was paying close attention, one could see that they really want to engage but not sure how to. Fast forward to day three where all the Warriors are taking selfies, laughing, and having a great time. Who would have thought that two cycle rides over the course of two days would cause this? The answer is that it was more than the cycle ride through the city; it was an experience for all 50 Warriors. The experience to see things they never saw and meet people who have now become their friends. Money, silver, or gold could never replace that type of experience. The WIIFM (what's in it for me), was the experience to witness all of the once isolated warriors now engaged in relationships neither them nor I will never forget.

Create experiences for yourself, family, and friends. People will never forget how you made them feel.

Your thoughts are welcome...

