Tuesday, June 27, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Skill


An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills). See also competence.




TruthSpeaks Definition:


The result of intentional action that can be taught to others




If you have read Malcom Gladwell’s book Outliers, you know it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. There are arguments to state differently however, I believe Gladwell was trying to get the world to notice the importance of skills. I have a favorite saying “who you know will get you the job but, who you know will eventually want to know what you know,” meaning your skill set will eventually have to be demonstrated. Skills don’t just happen overnight; it takes intentional practice and effort to get better at anything. I believe people can enhance their skills in less time than 10,000, I am not speaking of mastery. I am speaking of the idea of finding something you are interested in and study it until you understand it fully enough to teach it, to me that is a skill.


Weekly Action Plan:


What skill are you good at that you can teach to others? 


#Skill #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 20, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Read

To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.)


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/read? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To examine with purpose




Yes, I know you have probably heard it before that “reading is essential to life”, or “leaders are readers”, or here is another one, “read everything you can.” Well, all these can be true statements. It IS essential to read for your career. For example, if you are in banking you should read about the banking industry. As you read you should read with a purpose. You should always seek to find new information in your reading. Look for ideas on how to help your company or your team. As a trainer and coach I subscribe to a couple of training and coaching blogs and magazines because I understand the importance on staying abreast on what is going on in my industry. Reading not only helps you to stay abreast on your industry but, it also helps you to expand your vocabulary which can enhance your skills as a speaker in your career. I could go on and on about the benefits of reading so I will stop here for now. 


Weekly Action Plan:


Start small. If you are new to reading or find it boring, start with magazine articles or blogs in your field of interest. Pick one this week and subscribe to it.


#Read #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 13, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Quit


To stop, cease, or discontinue


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/quit? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To give up strategically and with purpose




Have you ever had to quit something? Perhaps a job/career, relationship, or habit? If so how do you quit something when society tells us to keep going and never give up. It depends on your motives and what you are desiring to accomplish. Here are three tips to help you give up strategically and with purpose. 1.) Does “it” the “task” you are contemplating quitting line up with your final objective? Ask yourself will this “task” help me excel on what I want to accomplish. 2.) Is the “task” draining you or affecting your health? Is what you are trying to accomplish adding to your well-being or taking away from it? I following this saying “when something is “killing” you it may be time to reevaluate and leave”. 3.) Do you want to do it? We often confuse our wants with our needs and ignore our wants because our needs take precedence. Our wants are warranted to have and you should not ignore them. Your have a right to want something. Your wants drive your passion and fuel your “why”. Ask yourself do you even want to do this “task”.


Weekly Action Plan:


Apply these three questions to each “task” you are contemplating on quitting this week.


#Quit #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

Tuesday, June 6, 2017



BusinessDictionary.Com Definition/Prepare 

1. To plan or organize. 

2. To fix or get something ready.


Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/prepare.html


TruthSpeaks Definition:

To act on a future endeavor




The deadline for the report is 3 days away and you have not written the first word. You have collected the information you need and all you need to do is stay late and simply write the report. There is one problem, your son has a baseball game tonight and you can’t work late the rest of the week because it is your turn to volunteer at the Rotary Club. Does this sound like you? There was no action taken to prepare for the future endeavors (the report being due, volunteering, and son’s game). So, how do we prepare when life has called us in 15 different directions? I have one answer and that is to schedule it in. We create our own schedule, meaning you are responsible for the items that are placed on your schedule therefore, schedule the time needed to get the job task completed and not stress yourself out. The stress is not worth it.


Weekly Action Plan:


What project are you working on that has a deadline coming soon? Take time this week to schedule what needs to be done. Use a journal or calendar to schedule your time.


#Prepare #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate