Tuesday, June 20, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Read

To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.)


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/read? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To examine with purpose




Yes, I know you have probably heard it before that “reading is essential to life”, or “leaders are readers”, or here is another one, “read everything you can.” Well, all these can be true statements. It IS essential to read for your career. For example, if you are in banking you should read about the banking industry. As you read you should read with a purpose. You should always seek to find new information in your reading. Look for ideas on how to help your company or your team. As a trainer and coach I subscribe to a couple of training and coaching blogs and magazines because I understand the importance on staying abreast on what is going on in my industry. Reading not only helps you to stay abreast on your industry but, it also helps you to expand your vocabulary which can enhance your skills as a speaker in your career. I could go on and on about the benefits of reading so I will stop here for now. 


Weekly Action Plan:


Start small. If you are new to reading or find it boring, start with magazine articles or blogs in your field of interest. Pick one this week and subscribe to it.


#Read #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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