Tuesday, June 13, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Quit


To stop, cease, or discontinue


http://www.dictionary.com/browse/quit? s=t


TruthSpeaks Definition:


To give up strategically and with purpose




Have you ever had to quit something? Perhaps a job/career, relationship, or habit? If so how do you quit something when society tells us to keep going and never give up. It depends on your motives and what you are desiring to accomplish. Here are three tips to help you give up strategically and with purpose. 1.) Does “it” the “task” you are contemplating quitting line up with your final objective? Ask yourself will this “task” help me excel on what I want to accomplish. 2.) Is the “task” draining you or affecting your health? Is what you are trying to accomplish adding to your well-being or taking away from it? I following this saying “when something is “killing” you it may be time to reevaluate and leave”. 3.) Do you want to do it? We often confuse our wants with our needs and ignore our wants because our needs take precedence. Our wants are warranted to have and you should not ignore them. Your have a right to want something. Your wants drive your passion and fuel your “why”. Ask yourself do you even want to do this “task”.


Weekly Action Plan:


Apply these three questions to each “task” you are contemplating on quitting this week.


#Quit #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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