Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What is hard work?

Hello Readers!

I often hear the phrase "it takes hard work to achieve success", keeping in mind that I create the definition of success to fit my needs. However, I wanted to define the word "hard" for myself. I wanted to know what exactly did people mean by "hard" and is it really applicable. An online definition states "requiring a great deal of endurance or effort" similar words mentioned were difficult, taxing, tiring, laboring, challenging, and pushing just to name a few. Next, I thought about my goals and things I want to accomplish in my life and I asked myself these questions such as: is becoming an author going to be taxing? Is earning a doctoral degree going to be difficult? Well... The answer is yes!!! See, I understand that nothing just drops on my lap. We have to go after what we want and desire and we ask will that be hard (taxing, difficult, and challenging)? Yes it will, but it is up to you. So are you working hard or hardly working? Not to be confused with working smarter. And yes there is a difference. We will discuss next week.

Your thoughts are welcome…



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