Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Who are you with?

Hello Readers,

Have you ever heard the saying “show me your five closest friends and I will tell you where you are going"? Or something similar? Well, this is a true statement. Take a minute and think about your five closet friends. I want you to examine their lives, careers, hobbies, and overall being. Do these areas fit your core values? Are they friendly to people, do they serve others, do they have a plan for life, how do they treat their family, do they love themselves? If you cannot answer these questions in a positive manner you may need to rethink who you are hanging around. The world WILL judge you by the company you keep. This does not mean do not talk to people, it simply means to be mindful of who you call a friend. Always remember the sum total of those you hang around will tell where you are headed, therefore examine and take action.

Extra tidbit: Notice I did not mention to examine your friends financial status, because it is not how much you make, it is how you spend what you make, but that is another blog post :)

Something to think about. Your thoughts are welcome...



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