Tuesday, July 4, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition/Time


In contractual arrangements where time for completion of the contract (called time for performance) is not clearly stated, the law imputes a reasonable time. What is 'reasonable' depends on what constitutes acceptable standard of fair dealing under the circumstances while taking currentcommercial practice (custom) in that trade into account. See also time is of the essence.




TruthSpeaks Definition:


An untouchable item of need of that which cannot be managed




Do you ever find yourself needing more time? I am guilty of this in all aspects of my life. The key words here are “my life,”. All I can manage is my life. Even at work I cannot control what happens on any given day therefore, you should not either. You and I can only manage our selves, we can never manage time. Time is a precious commodity that is often wasted in the workplace. Between coffee breaks, lunch, and meetings the average worker may only work 2 hours and 53 min out of an 8-hour work day per Inc.Com. This is INSANE! We have got to do better at managing ourselves versus time. I suggest creating a schedule to follow for the next day/week and sticking to it. This method can keep you on track and help you get some work done.





Weekly Action Plan:


List the steps you are going to take to manage yourself.


#Time #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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