Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Hello Readers,

Have you ever had to make a very important decision and you knew the answer but it was not what you wanted to do? I had to recently make this type of decision. I knew it was the right thing to do but my emotions wanted something else. I knew if I followed my "emotions" the outcome would not be what I wanted. Here are 5 tips I learned in the process of making this decision and many others in my life:

1. Take your time. Do not rush the process. 
2. Check your emotions and feelings at the door. Most of the time they are not real and they often lead to the wrong decision. Be of a sound mind.
3. That thing called your "gut", trust it. It is that deep feeling you have when you know you are right. It is called intuition.
4. Seek peace. If you have peace about the decision, then you are okay to proceed.
5. Always and I mean always seek wise counsel. No one does anything alone. 

These tips I shared do not mean I get it right each time, we all make mistakes right? I am sharing what I learned in hopes it will help others and that is a good decision.

Your thoughts are welcome...


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