Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Hello Readers,

I know it may sound crazy but…

Have you heard this phrase? Or have you said this phrase in pertaining to something you want? I recently had a conversation with one of my teammates (co-workers) and we were talking about things we love and want to do. My teammate mentioned “this may sound crazy but I really love to decorate”. I mentioned to her that does not sound crazy at all! In fact it sounds like something you should look into immediately! I encouraged her to do some research on it and get moving. Isn’t amazing when we want something, sometimes we are the first person to criticize our want or desire? Why is this? I know I have been guilty of this myself. If you have a desire to do something big or small, then by all means DO IT! I know this may sound cliche and I speak on it in many of my blogs, but I say why not. If you want to have many businesses, DO IT, if you want to have shelter for dogs DO IT, if you want to travel DO IT. I will only say this as a warning, make sure you are doing IT for you and not for anyone else. Your motive has to be pure. Otherwise DO IT and Keep It Moving! Start small and dream BIG! And do not say this is crazy. People who say they want to change the world, are the ones who succeed at doing so!

Your thoughts are welcome…



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