Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why I attend conferences?

Hello Readers, 

This is an easy question for me to answer. The answer is simple: LEARNING. I am striving to be one of the best in my field of training & development and coaching, therefore learning is key to my success. Attending conferences are excellent ways to gain expertise from others in your field. The multiple workshops and seminars supply various useful tools needed for your career or business. I have heard people say “Marla they cost too much”. I say look at it as an investment in yourself or your business. People will invest $200 in a pair of shoes but not in a conference to gain knowledge. I personally have no issues with that, but I do not always agree when people tell me they cost too much. I also hear they are a waste of time. Sure they can be a waste of time if someone approaches them in that manner. Remember life is what you get out of it. When I attend conferences, I am fully loaded with my notebook and pen ready to glean all the information I can.  Now here is the flip side, some people are conference junkies. DO NOT DO this, especially if your company is paying for them. Only attend conferences that will aid in your professional, personal, and/or business growth, anything outside of those are a waste of your time.  

Your thoughts are welcome…



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