Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are you qualified?

Hello Readers,

Our household is very excited we are finally in the Olympic season, us like many others, are Olympics junkies. Is there anyone who can relate to what I am writing here? What amazes me are the qualifications the potential Olympians have to endure just to get to the Olympics. I think about the dreams these men and women have to get achieve one thing and how laser focused they are. These Olympians know that have to “qualify” to achieve the dreams of their heart. As I apply for adjunct positions for teaching, I sometimes think to myself “these schools want so much from you,” but, then I think about the committee of the Olympics and how they only want the best to represent the different countries. The same is true for myself when I applying for teaching positions, the schools only want the best. These same rules apply to you as you are creating a career path. Employers only want to best, they want dedicated individuals who are willing to learn and do their best to represent the job. As I normally end my blogs with a question, ask yourself are you qualified? If there is a position you seek, do you have the skillset and desire to learn to fit the mold of what the position entails? If not get busy learning, reading, taking classes, and serving. You will achieve what you believe.

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