Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Spend time alone

Spend time alone

Last week I wrote about what it means to have true joy and this week I want to elaborate on how to seek that joy. Here is a great question: Are you spending time alone? I don’t mean being lonely, that is not being the same as being alone. Being alone is sitting on the couch reading a book in an empty house or simply taking a car ride to nowhere to think. So why is this important? Well answer this, how do you get to know someone if you are not spending time with them? Really, there isn’t any other way to get to know someone. So why not let that someone be you. Get to know yourself. As a coach, I have discovered many people don’t really know themselves. Many people are living a life that someone else wants them to live. Is that you? As I mentioned last week, clear your schedule and make time for yourself daily. Your life will change as a result of you spending time with yourself. Ask me how do I know? :)

#TimeAlone #TruthSpeaks

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