Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Are you hungry?


I recently watched an interview of Tony Robbins. One of the questions that was asked was what separates those who are successful and those who are not. He stated "hungry". Since I love to do word searches, I sought to define the word hungry and here is what I discovered: strongly or eagerly desirous.  Informalaggressively ambitious or competitive, as from a need to overcome poverty or past defeat. Motivational speaker and entrepreneur Les Brown also speaks on the topic being hungry. Les states that "one has to be hungry to get what they want." I love his story about his hunger. Feel free to YouTube Les Brown’s videos. John Maxwell states “Often people wonder because they do not have the drive or ambition, they are not hungry for something to change in their lives.” You have to have a deep desire to possibly be the best you can be. Get hungry. Live life intentionally. Here is what I am hungry for: teaching, training, and educating people to be the best they can be by using simplistic methods. I know I can be the best at teaching, training, and coaching. I am also hungry to be the best Marla I can be. This means continual improvement and growth.

*Notice I said I can/could be the best at. No ego was involved. That is another blog post based on the book Good To Great by Jim Collins.

What are you hungry for? Look at the definition and ask yourself what are you eagerly desirous for?

Your thoughts are welcome...

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