Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Permission... Do you need it?

Hello Readers,

I will never forget a demonstration I witnessed with an elephant being held to a teeny tiny steel rod in the ground. The elephant was trained to stay in the position he was in and he could only move in the direction his trainer told him to move. The strange thing I noticed was the elephant needed permission to move beyond where he was allowed. The even stranger thing was (yes I said stranger) was the elephant had the capacity and strength to pull the steel rod out the ground but did not. This story about the elephant reminds me of a quote I recently read by Harriet Tubman “I have freed hundreds of slaves; I would have freed more if they would have known they were slaves.” When I first read this quote I was stuck in my seat. I thought to myself how many people out there in the world are waiting for someone to lead and tell them it is okay to pursue their dreams? Are you one of those people? Are you waiting on permission? If you are, STOP IT! Go live your life. No one is coming to give you permission to be great, so just be great. Write the first paragraph to the book, write the first line to the song, take the first class to learn about a field you are interested in... JUST DO IT!

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