Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Business Dictionary Definition: 
To make something different.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/change.html

TruthSpeaks Definition:
The action/movement of something whether someone initiates it or not

Have you heard the phrase “if you are not changing you are not growing?” This is a very true statement. Change is going to happen regardless if you initial it or not. So, my solution is to go with the flow. Take the “change” at face value. A very common change I work with in clients is dealing with being laid off (something I know all too well). Being laid off can be a blessing or a curse. It is all in how the person deals with it. I have read many stories about people who took their lay-off as a start to begin their entrepreneurial journey. On the flip side, I have read stories of people who almost lost it and had a nervous breakdown; the choice is yours. You decide how YOUR life will be lived. If you don’t like the “change” that recently happened, then YOU need to change the scenery. This is exactly what I did. I made some MAJOR changes in 2016 and I am not looking back. I did not say the “change” was easy but, I still moved forward. In essence, I changed my change. 

Weekly Action Plan:
What change recently happened that you are dealing with? How are you handling it? How has it affected you? Do you like the change? If not why and how can you change what has been changed?  Journal your thoughts.

#Belief #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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