Tuesday, January 31, 2017




Dictionary.Com Definition: 

The fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence
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http://www.dictionary.com/browse/excellence? s=t

TruthSpeaks Definition:

 The personal best a person can attain. The constant knowing there is a better way to achieve things short of perfection.




Are you naturally gifted or talented? If you are great. If not, no need to worry it is not needed to achieve excellence in any area. As John Maxwell says “talent is never enough”. You can dominate any market you want based on your ability to learn. But Marla “I hate to learn,”.  Sorry, my friends, the ONLY way to become excellent in any task is to consistently study and do the task. Here is the kicker, you decide the level of excellence you can achieve. You set the bar. See, excellence, as I defined above, is your personal best and only you can decide what that is. Seeking excellence is pushing yourself to the limit and beyond. It is setting a goal of 100 jumping jacks and doing one more or setting a goal to walk half a mile and you walk a whole mile. I often tell clients to apply the one more rule, which is to apply one more action to the goal they set. This my friends is excellence.


Talent is never enough: discover the choices that will take you beyond your talent / John C. Maxwell.


Weekly Action Plan:


Pick one goal you have been working on and do one extra step. Record your answers in your journal.


#Excellence #TruthSpeaks #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeachTrainEducate

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