Tuesday, December 1, 2015

31 days

Hello readers,

I am sure many of you are already making plans for 2016; however, let’s not forget we have 31 days left in December. How are you going to make it count? Start now, not in 2016. What goals do you have? What can be done in 31 days? See this list below to help start things off:

1. Organize your closet.
2. Create a workout and meal plan and follow it.
3. Create a business plan.
4. Write out goals for 2016.
5. Create a stop doing list.
6. Create a budget and follow it.
7. Read one book or two.
8. Write an article or start writing the book you wanted.
9. Take a day to relax other than Christmas day.
10. Go grocery shopping for the month.

Start now. Let’s finish strong.

Bonus: Check out the TtruthSpeaksCoaching Resume sale going on. Download our EBook and get $15.00 off a Full Resume.

Download the book for .99 here: 

Your thoughts are welcome…


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